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Because Kans for Kids is a one-person office with many duties required on evenings, weekends, and in all the communities we serve, our Director, Christi Herber, may not always physically be in the office.  Please call her at (785) 252-6707 if you need any assistance or to assure she will be available in the office when you need her.  

Thank you for your understanding.


Layd'n Hinderliter - 15 yrs old

Sophia Swanson - 14 yrs old

Katrina Wood - 16 yrs old

Kambree Johnson - 9 yrs old

Sami Couch - 18 yrs old

Our Goal, Vision & Commitment

Register & Help Make Change

Volunteer, Participate, or Donate


Our mission is to provide funding for families with children who are living with cancer, create public awareness of childhood cancer, and offer hope to families who are affected by childhood cancer.


Give the Gift that Keeps on Giving

You can impact the lives of children who are fighting for their lives right here in Central Kansas. Your tax-deductible gifts to Kans for Kids, or to our endowment at the Golden Belt Community Foundation, helps us provide financial and emotional support for families fighting childhood cancer.

Local artist Jeff Clawson of Larned donated some handcrafted keepsakes, made from aluminum cans. You can pick up an angel, butterfly, or snowflake from the Kans for Kids office at 169 S. Main Street in Hoisington for a suggested donation of $3 each. These make great gifts or ornaments!

Handcrafted Items Available for Sale


“Thank you for all you’ve done for our family! The support you’ve shown us this past year has been a true blessing! Kaid is so close to winning the fight with cancer and I appreciate the fact that through it all, you’ve been there. ” – Kelsie Wagner

Contact Us

Kans for Kids raises funds through gifts of cash and by recycling aluminum cans. We also have an endowment at the Golden Belt Community Foundation.

Phone: 785-252-6707

Cash Donations: 

Kans for Kids

169 S. Main Street

P.O. Box 178

Hoisington KS 67544

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